Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summit! Summit!

So I work for this fine children's theatre. Occasionally, for about a week and a half at a stretch, I am at tech rehearsals nightly. This is often my opportunity to complain about losing sleep and having to sit in the dark (on the internet) for hours at a time.

No more.

Tonight was my inaugural Tech Run... I show up an hour early in my running gear, suit up and run along Summit Avenue. It's a mere block away, and conveniently has stop lights every half-mile.

Tonight I was taking it easy, since it's only my second run since I've been recuperated from my injury... I was only going to go two miles -- but I hit mile 1 and thought, "hey, I can totally see the next light! I can get there!" So just like that, I got another half mile on my out -- leaving me with a full 3 mile run today.

This is very good, because as I might have mentioned -- I am less than 2 months away from my first half-marathon... and an extra half mile of effort will not get me 13.1 miles.

It was an enjoyable run full of people and dogs and I can't wait for the next one!


  1. Now you see the glory of running on Summit! It is the best! (until you get to over 14 miles...then it gets tricky)

  2. I shudder to think I'll ever 'get to over 14 miles' :)
