Monday, April 25, 2011

OMG, it's nearly May!

And I have no idea what to choose!  I feel like it should be running-related, since I have a mere 6 weeks until my half-marathon debut... but BO-ring.  Maybe another UFO month would be helpful.  (I have this very sad story about how I folded up and priced a TON of my many fabrics to donate for the annual Textiles Center garage sale, only to discover that I hadn't written down the donation date, but the date of the actual SALE.  Needless to say, I still have all of that fabric. *sigh*)

I've been in kind of a cross-stitching mood lately, so I've made some headway on a piece (for me!) that I think I would like to enter into the State Fair this year!  So then I would have a plan 'b' when my photo is inevitably rejected from the art building.  Plus it would be done!

There are also suddenly many people in my life expecting children, so there are a ton of creative options there... but maybe a bit closer to the due dates.

So many options!

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