Saturday, April 2, 2011

Biking, Day Two!

It's supposed to get to 50 today, and I'm hoping that's warm enough for a short ride.  The thing about biking is that you're going so awesomely fast that you create your own wind chill -- so I hope April decided to stay average at the least and preferably unseasonably warm.
...Not that I am at all in a rush to get to the hot, humid days of summer.  I am a big fan of spring and hope it sticks around for a while!


My plan for a long ride was foiled by the temporary misplacement of my wallet. Instead of zipping along wet, pot-hole strewn avenues, I was driving frantically around Roseville trying to find my wallet. It is found. I ended up taking a short hop over to my parents' house to acquire my old bike rack, and will hopefully get it painted and installed before the weekend is through!

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