Thursday, December 9, 2010

Moving Right Along...

So, yesterday...

Goal: 60 minutes on the treadmill, and 5 miles?
Diversion: Criminal Minds
Result: 60 minutes, 4.75 mile (.25 miles more than last week!)
Learnings: Still super annoyed by earbuds... Pulled them out 3 times, plus they get all slurry and slip out when my ears are sweaty. (Ear sweat. Now THAT is hot.) I am really cruising toward my5 mile goal, and it wasn't even that hard! I'm feeling good about my training schedule - I feel like it's letting me add mileage without making it not fun. I also ran 5k in less than 39 minutes, which is a PR for me. I may reach my sub-30 5k goal by the new year!

Today is the bike and circuit training, which I plan to do at home while I bake cupcakes for my coworker's birthday. Awesome.

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