Saturday, December 11, 2010

It keeps snowing... and snowing... and snowing...

Goal: 30 minutes running
Diversion: Outside! Snow! Nature!
Result: 30 minutes, 1.9 miles
Learnings: It was pretty fun... mixed up my usual route and set myself up for a couple short hills. I did learn from my last excursion -- I had chapstick in one pocket, and a kleenex in the other. However, I learned that more than one kleenex is a good plan.

Goal: 30 minutes on the bike, plus my circuit
Result: Helllooooo, snow! How about a mid-storm shoveling of 10-12 inches? Yeah, that's right... MID-storm. It's disheartening to shovel only to see your sidewalk re-covered by the time you finish. Plus it took 2 hours and my dad's help to dig my car out and move it 2 blocks to avoid towing from the snow emergency tonight. Secretly I wish I had snowshoes. I saw someone out skiing this morning while I was shoveling -- it looked like fun! Anyway, I feel as though I've gotten a bit of a workout today. Plus I get an off day, so today might be it!

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