Saturday, March 5, 2011

I may have made a mistake.

I find that 50-60% of the time I'm listening to the Current, I want to change the station.

Maybe it's time to face up to the fact that I am NOT hip?

(And seriously, if I have to hear "Socialite Death Squad" one more time I'm going to scream. I don't know why I thought the Current would be less likely to overplay a song. And I guess if I liked it I would't be complaining... but still.)

I did enjoy a little throwback Dee-lite the other day, and some Jayhawks. The Current is not all bad. I'll stick it out!


  1. I've tried the Current, and I want to like it. However, it just tries too hard to be hip. I think the deejays try to out-obscure each other, rather than go for really great music. Also, it tends to get a little too mellow.
    I am interested to hear how this plays out as you continue.

  2. uhh Brooke, you realize that most of the DJ's on The Current were not born when "Groove is in the Heart" came out, right? The song is like 21 years old...

    Face it, we're old.
