So I kind of gambled last November... I didn't go see HP7.1 because I knew I would forget everything that happened by the time 7.2 came out. I was also convinced that SOMEone would show 7.1 right before the midnight release of 7.2.
And I was right!!!
AMC to save the day... HP7.1 at 9pm, and then 7.2 at midnight!!!
The super-cool part was that we didn't have to get into the line (that was already substantial at 7pm when we arrived at Rosedale) for the midnight show. We got to stay in our original theatre.
The only way it could have been better would have been if 7.2 was NOT in 3-D. Nothing against the movie, I just get annoyed wearing the glasses over my glasses. (But kudos that they were shaped like Harry's glasses.)
Yeah, I don't mind wearing the ones at the zoo Imax over my glasses because they are pretty big. However, the Harry glasses were a little annoying due to the smaller size and shape. Clever, but not practical. I sort of wish there was an option between those and the regular 3D glasses.