Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ahhhh... Summer.

A belated post, but I just finally got the pictures off my phone.

One of my summer "To Do"s was to dine on the patio at the new Psycho Suzi's.

It was awesome.

What I didn't know beforehand is that the building Suzi's took over used to be... what... a church? A funeral home?  I don't actually know.  But I was making some assumptions.  I probably could figure it out with more time inside.

But not on a gorgeous day like this was!!

I got a burger.
And tater tots are always a welcome addition.

We were right by the tiki fountain!!
One of the coolest parts was the occasional paddle boat on the river.

So... awesome.

Oh, and for dessert? Birthday Cake!

With a candle!


Monday, September 5, 2011

It's the End of Summer!

It's Labor Day -- the last day of the State Fair.

I'm driving home from a fantastic birthday celebration in Elk River, it's getting dark, I'm tired -- but I have one more pre-purchased State Fair ticket, and I haven't had my root beer yet.

So I stop.  And park.  Just for that.

I hadn't been to the Fair at dusk for a while!  Here are some bad cell-phone pics...

Liked catching the sign "in action."

Look!  Not every TV personality makes me look short!

The Grandstand looks H-O-T in this light.

It's my root beer!  SO DELICIOUS!!!

Dig that Space Needle! (Or Tower. Whatever.)